

Dint like the book much its too striking,dramatic and full of happenstances just like a pure hindi masala flick.Nevertheless it had a few "winning over" excerpts-

"When will it be right,I dont know

What will it be like,I dont know

We live in hope of deliverance

From the darkness that surrounds us."

-Sir Paul McCartney

"There is one thing u've got to learn

Life is full of twists and turns

You've got to break the rocks in the hot sun,

For the tide to turn
If there is night..There has to be dawn

Life goes on......."


Anusha said...

firstly,cant believe you've used dint instead of didn't......
total time pass book,like one of our hindi movies...the plot runs banking on the innumerable co-incidences and thats when you decide that its the perfect recipe of a bollywood flick!

rubs said...

wat can I say....smsing is taking its toll on me..

Iceman said...

Why don't you both blow up the plot while you are it?

Anusha said...

guru-boy loves girl,girl loves boy,boy in delhi,girl in chennai,plan to meet umpteen things go wrong...but love conquers all and they meet....clap..clap..clap..(100 days ante-if its made into a bollywood movie)

rubs said...

well captured by anush in just 5 lines...who wants to read the book now??