

Email forwards  with colossal company logotypes? …..understandably tolerable!


Spams  with subjects like-“SO HUGE MY BUDDIES WERE SCARED” or




“WANNA FEEL LIKE U’RE IN VEGAS”…..majorly unbearable!!

Thank goodness there are spam filters.


Pop-up windows with snazzily coloured matrimonial websites which practically blind you and downloadable smiley sites which dont make you smile….outrageously irritating!!!

Mighty lord bless the browser designers for pop-up blockers.


Now the most punk,sleaziest,tackiest,the most insanely frustrating,the most exceptionally

Innovative and torturous publicity drive is what I’d like to call “BUY IT OR NOT PAY FOR IT” stunt!!

This is something pioneered by a magazine of cult status namely READER’S DIGEST.

 The strategy involves three simple,VALID and intensely effective steps:


(1)Make a compilation of 4 wretched and distressingly snubbed novels of authors who were born,brought up and are famous on planet mars.


(2)Devastatingly attractive packaging of the above with some freebees.


(3)Sending it across to a subscribed reader who hasn’t renewed his/her account in ages.


The rub lies when this package gets followed by another equally attractive mail consisting of a NOTIFICATION asking you to pay for the order which you never placed

Else promising you serious action!!!!



Following my previous post   I recieved a mail from a friend presenting to me an obverse of the issue which was stunningly neglected.Here it goes....

"well each person interprets this kind of a protest differently! Like
you've said that you're confused why they chose the colour pink, I am
confused with one more thing, why did they choose that particular
garment to represent  "women". It sounds dirty, or vulgar even, first of
all because it is a piece of clothing, since it is used in intimate
areas... and second of all, the colour is something which subtly hints,
anatomically, at womanhood. so the combination of the garment and the
colour has many overtones which does not really go with the protest. If
you understand all these inner dimensions of what is being presented to
Mr Mutalik, you'd probably think that this is somewhat of an "in your
face" effort to make those Hindu fundamentalists get used to the idea of
powerful, independent and social women.
How about this? well, if they really wanted to represent the protest
made by cosmopolitan women against people advocating Hindu radicalism by
an object or a piece of clothing to be precise, I feel they could've
chosen something like the Little Black Dress, or an Evening Gown, or May
be perhaps a cheap Wedding Gown?? well, those might be costly, but then
they're really speak for themselves.
Besides I was not impressed because, you cannot be sure everyone buys
new garments to send. I'm quite sure there would've been women who
would've sent what they would have been using..... In the view of the
protest and the want to insult the Hindu outfit for violating women's
rights it is the right kind of thing they deserved. But then, not to be
forgotten is the fact that having done such a thing they have well and
truly gone against the term "ladylike".
AS I said before this is my interpretation of the events that happened
after the attack. You can say that extreme situations call for extreme

The PINK drive

After the savage antics of the so called moral police whose objective was to blatantly rape all morals behind democracy,has started the campaign to save feb 14th.And how are they
doing it?By the alms-giving of "pink scanties" to the sene chief.

For which the outrageously flagrant sene chief is going to be returning 
pink sarees.And has also claimed to get all dating couples in karnataka married!!

So now its just got down to pink scanties vs pink sarees.

 Now what really has been bothering me is not the campaign but the color chosen for the campaign.
Pink ,the color of warmth,affection and a color strongly associated with contemporary girlhood,
the color of joy and happiness which was once upon a time allowed to be garmented only by the
elites of the elizibethan era.Its quintessentially a color of celebration.
I fail to figure out the association of pink with this agitation!Is it like a drive to save girls
or culture or praxis ??