
HOLIDAY time...frenzy time

Its dasara time and hence holiday time for all the school kids. 

Every available piece of flat land  around my house and in its vicinity is being used to chase the cherry.Cricket is like the hobson's  choice for all the kids to keep themselves occupied
all  day.Its like they are on a spree to obliterate their surroundings.Not like I havent experienced this  before 
just that I havent seen it in this kind of intensity.Curtsy 
our state government for making yet another nugatory rule that 
all schools ought to have a common vacation time for dasara.... 

Its quotidian to find kids playing cricket in the evenings 
but it gets freakin chafing when you have to listen to -
quibbles over " out",squallings of "run out" and "lbw",
and roars of "howz dat" for like 50000 times a day....
          But what is most admirable about this whole thingy is the 
insouciance these kids possess.Just some wood,a bouncing cherry
and a piece of timber and they are all set to play the gentlemen's game the way it should be played unlike our national paladins who get moolah for it and yet they fail to retain the sanctity of the gentlemen's game.


Anusha said...

nice to know that kids still come out to the streets..i thought they are usually glued to their tv or pc's..lately i hardly see the kids enjoying the way i enjoyed my school days.
i wish you would try and explore the game with the kids,then the number 50000 would justify itself....

Iceman said...

Thank You GOD for
Chocolate and...