

I have never quite understood why the debate over piracy rages on.Well its true that if you have created a piece of work,it matters a lot to you,but then its not the same stuff as plagiarism.Piracy may be the cheap selling of the products.....but then i strongly feel that obscurity is far greater a threat to creative artists and authors than piracy.
Atleast in piracy you have your name on it.And the credit remains.So rather than playing around with words and leading movements against piracy,the best thing to do would be to march towards an open source movement.


Iceman said...

What Piracy???


rubs said...

all kinds of piracies which are considered to be grave crimes

aditya athni said...

piracy discourages artists
n i discourage anything that discourages artists!

Anonymous said...

Well u'd know if u were an artist! Somethings do come into fame because of piracy and there have been instances where the artist has thanked for the act, but i don't think they'd like it everytime.